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“Experience the epic conflict between Samurai and mythological creatures unfold in the Japanese fantasy setting of World of Demons, an uncompromising action game experience for touch devices.”
“Step in to the shoes of multiple powerful Samurai as you experience World of Demons’ world-class combat. Take direct control of your character and perform sword slashes, dodges, parries, and finishing moves. Call on your Yokai Minions to support you in battle with elemental buffs, attack spells, and support techniques. Use every tool at your disposal to defeat bosses and demonic Oni henchmen.”
"World of Demons takes place in a fantastic interpretation of medieval Japan in which Oni (demons) have taken over the human world. The previously docile Yokai (monsters from Japanese folklore) have been corrupted by the Oni and have begun attacking humans as well. Only brave Samurai dare to stand up to the threat of the Oni..."