The story of World in Disorder is about the earth that has now enter an apocalyptic state, where most of the nations of the world have started to fall apart as civil war after civil war break out over land and resources. The USA is one of the only remaining countries, but one summer during the year 2020, the UN and NATO decide to travel into space and form the PDI or The Planetary Defense Initiative. The PDI’s Mission is to reunite Earth under a new leader and fix all the chaos going on down on the now barren wasteland of earth. The PDI established borders and districts for each of the nations of earth. A few years later in the year of 2030, an alarming cyber-terrorist attack fell upon The PDI’s Defense grid and Thousands of Terabytes of data were lost to an unknown threat in the shadows of The now destroyed New Soviet Union, A Man by the name of General Zarloff was planning on a planetary riot against the unknowing PDI forces using a new terrorist organization only known as The Shadows. after about 3 months The Shadows launch their attacks by infiltrating three of The PDI’s White Crystal Defense Stations and set three Nukes on them, as they all explode, The World sounds it’s warhorn
World in Disorder is an RTS game, made on the unity engine,by me and my friends, aka WiDT Software, Two Factions, and two campigns, it takes place on earth which has run out of resources
World in Disorder was developed by WiDTSoftware
World in Disorder was Released on Windows
World in Disorder is a Single Player game