The original puzzle game in the cyberpunk world. The rules are simple. Take the timer (DOWN), put it on the box (UP). After 3 seconds of count-down, the box goes one floor up. If the timer is active on the box and meets with the top box of the same colour, it goes up on the next floor. Ending a red box counts for 15 score points, 10 points is for the green and the blue scores 5 points. The farther you place the timer, the more points you receive. Score points are also increased for two boxes at the same time. In each round, you need to gain a certain number of score points in a given time.
Workaholic Cyberpunk was developed by zxretrosoft, Released in 2016-03-31
Workaholic Cyberpunk was Released on Windows,Android,AndroidTab
Workaholic Cyberpunk is a Single Player game