## Description
_WolfBridge_ is a single player, freeware, bridge tutor program based on the
ACOL system.
The game is, or was, part of a larger project so when it starts up it does not
launch straight into playing bridge, a small screen is displayed with ‘Play
Bridge’ being one of the options on the menu bar.
The game plays in a window that initially fills the screen but which can be
re-sized as required. The player always plays as South and their hand is
always displayed. After evaluating their hand for point count and distribution
the player clicks the ‘Play’ button in the centre of the screen and this
brings up a separate window in which the bidding is done. Opposition and
partner bids are made automatically and in accordance with the ACOL bidding
system. When the bidding is complete the player plays / defends the final
As this is a tutor program it has many features to help the novice player. In
the bidding sequence, for example, the player can click on any bid and see
what information it is intended to convey. There is also a hint feature to
advise the player what their ideal bid should be.
The game also allows player to play with all the hands revealed, save and
replay a hand, auto play a hand, show last trick and so on. Additionally the
program supports the standard conventions of Blackwood, Cue Bidding, Stayman,
Gerber Swiss, Baron, GSF – Grand Slam Force, Strong/Weak No Trump and
Josephine and any or all of these can be enabled or disabled.
The game is entirely mouse controlled