An enemy armada is invading the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet
Command estimates that Earth will be attacked in about a month. So the player,
controlling James T. Kirk, commander of the original NCC-1701 Enterprise, is
ordered to stop that invasion.
WinTrek is Star Trek simulation game, where the player virtually controls
every aspect of the Enterprise, including those that would normally be done by
the crew.
For navigating the Enterprise through the sectors and quadrants, the player
does not “drive” her, but instead controls the navigation station directly
(setting course, whereby any of the 360 degrees can be used, and setting speed
limits, both impulse and warp). During combat, the player has to manage
shields, coordinate phaser fire and photon torpedoes, including the control of
how much dilithium (fuel) is invested into shields and weapons. Finally, the
player must manage the dilithium fuel (i.e. refilling at starbases) and make
sure that the ship doesn’t break apart (damage system).
The game is won when the enemy armada is destroyed, and lost when the armada
attacks Earth, or when the player-controlled ship runs out of fuel or
explodes. Both the number of enemy ships and the days available to the player
are randomly set when the game is started.
The game offers six difficulty levels, ranging from Admiral (expert) to
Expandable Crewman (easiest). In-game Computer Station acts like a computer
operation system, allowing the player to get information not visible at the
other stations (e.g. retrieve the position of the starbases). Information is
displayed in 11 sub-windows of the game window, which are all re-sizable and