## Description
_Win Pelvis-N-Space_ is a single player, shareware _Star Trek_ -style game
very much like BFM’s game Win Battle.
In this game aliens are once again the source of much trouble. Here the aliens
live around thirty or so light years away so they’ve only recently received
our transmissions of Pelvis and his music. Pelvismania has started on their
world just as it did on ours but, while we had the real thing they have
nothing so they jumped in their battlecruisers and headed to Earth to kidnap
Pelvis and steal Pelvis’ relics. They came in three types of ship, the Hound
Dog class, the Heartbreak Hotel class and the Rock-n-Roll class and they stole
a Gold Album, Fender Guitar, White Studded Jumpsuit, Peanut-butter & Bananas,
Pink Cadillac, 8-track tape, and a Black Velvet Painting.
The object of the game is to destroy the enemy ships and retrieve the
artifacts and Pelvis. It is played in a grid universe where the player warps
from one sector to another locating enemy ships, planets e.t.c. however the
player cannot warp to any cell in the grid, only those which are adjacent to
the current location. The ship has missiles, attack drones and decoy ships as
well as shields e.t.c, all of these can be damaged in combat in which case the
player must find a safe cell to rest and repair vital systems. There are three
levels of difficulty Beginner where the enemies fire slower and the player has
fewer weapons, Normal and Advanced where the player has more weapons but there
are far more enemies in the galaxy.
The game is presented as one main window within which are a series of child
windows showing ship status, together with strategic and tactical maps. It is
played by a combination of mouse and keyboard controls and can be played in
both window or full screen mode.