## Description
_Win Battle_ is a single-player, shareware _Star Trek_ -style game.
The story behind this game is that the Rollons have attacked and destroyed all
of Earth’s colonies. As commander of the last remaining battlestar you have
been tasked with finding all survivors and guiding them to safety as well as
destroying all Rollon ships.
The game is played in a grid universe where the player warps from one sector
to another locating ships, enemies, planets etc however the player cannot warp
to any cell in the grid, only those which are adjacent to the current
location. The ship has missiles, lasers and fighters as well as shields etc,
all of these can be damaged in combat in which case the player must find a
safe cell to rest and repair vital systems.
The game is presented as one main window within which are a series of child
windows showing ship status, plus strategic and tactical maps. It is played by
a combination of mouse and keyboard controls. There are three levels of
difficulty, optional sound effects, and a high score table. The game can be
played in a window or in full screen mode.