The world is your garden : chill and cute Ecosystem Sandbox ! Create your biomes, balance the food chain, build unique landscapes. Take the control of any creature and roleplay as a wild beast that must survive. Imagine your own uniques stories.
## About This Game
Plant a tree, and watch the forest spread…
The world is your garden, only you will decide wich species of plants and
animals will roam the earth and grow !
Wild Souls is a chill wildlife simulation, a cute sandbox where you create and
manage your own ecosystem
Choose from a catalog of plants and animals from all over the world, and build
your own biomes.
Animals will search for food, hunt, build their shelters and reproduce, plants
will spread as much as they can.
Days and seasons will pass, and after many generations, the world will evolve
: new colors mutations will appears in animals, massive forests of old trees
will witness uniques interactions between the animals and their environment.
Every animal in the game is playable, and every interaction they can have with
their environment/kind is available to you !
Could you survive as an animal in the wild landscapes you gave birth to ?
Could you raise offsprings and make your bloodline live through the ages ?
About the development and future :
Wild Souls is a [Work in progress] ambitious project : create a rich and
realistic ecosystem simulation where the player can act on every aspect of the
Want to be the leader of a tribe of lions ? Or to see how beavers uses trees
to build a dam ? Want to summon eternal rain or thunder to see how your world
would react ? What if you simply added a few plants and creatures, and see how
everything evolve on it’s own ? Or maybe just roleplay as a rabbit ?
Because every creature will be playable, pickable, and will have interesting
interactions with the environment, many things can happen in this game that
will be unique for every player. Ecosystem simulation, yes, but also a story
generator !
The plan is to add a lot of special and interesting interactions animals/world
and player/world, things like : dynamic weather, rain that create puddles,
animals that seek shelter to protect themselve from a blizzard, plants that
need a lot of humidity and will die in a too dry environment…
Also, expand as much as possible the catalog of available animals and plants,
to have a maximum diversity in the represented species : having specimens from
all the differents parts of the world is so much better than an ecosystem with
only one biome !
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