#### Description
Purchase this PS one® Classic and play it on both your PS3™ and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) systems!
Attack in any direction: Reverse, sideways, stop and hover, dive, barrel roll, loop, even Immelman turn! You get full flight control! Use devastating firepower to decimate the opposition using rockets, multi-fire swarmers, plasma cannons and more! Engage in 6 hot zones with over 25 areas of high engagement. Lock and load! Download this PS one® Classic today!
Transferring to a PSP® system from your PS3™ system:
You must be signed into the PLAYSTATION®Network account that originally purchased the game. You must have at least 244 MB free on your Memory Stick Duo™. Connect your PSP® system to your PS3™ system with a USB cable and switch your PSP® system to USB Mode. Highlight the game on the PS3™ XMB™, press the Δ button and select Copy.
PC Store Customers:
Log into your PLAYSTATION®Network account that you originally used to purchased the game. Then, download the game from your “Download List” in the PlayStation® Store onto your PS3™ system.
This title has been converted from the original PlayStation® disc to the PSP® and the PS3™ systems. Consequently, there may be times where the title plays differently from the PlayStation® disc version, or where some features may not function properly. This version does not support PlayStation® peripherals (controller, memory card, multitap, etc.), therefore functionalities such as multiplayer, versus, and co-op modes are not available.
Software subject to license (). Online activity subject to Terms of Services and User Agreement ().
Warhawk is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (C) 1995 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.