## War of Nations
This game is a small turn based strategy game, in which you conquer the world. The project’s current status is pre-alpha, but you can download a playable prototype. I will update the development progress on the go.
### Features
* country management on a world map
* tactical turn based hex field combat
* several buildings and units with different properties
* world domination mode against AI opponents
### Planned Features
* multiplayer, on the same device and online
* different factions with unique strengths and weaknesses
* war crime, media campaign and diplomatic mechanics
* more diverse units and special abilities
* single player campaign with story for each faction
* better graphics and sound π
* intuitive interface (it’s horrible at the moment, I know…)
* improved, faster AI
## Game Instructions
Because of the early state of the game, some elements are not yet self explanatory. Therefore a small overview of the most important game elements:
### World Map
On the world map, you can scroll around by moving the mouse to the edges of the screen. You can zoom in and out with the mousewheel. Click on any country to open the country menu.By clicking on your own country, you have the option to Manage you country or to relocate units from a neighbour country.With a click on an enemy country, you can choose to attack it, send spies and investigate its troops.
### Manage
In the manage screen, you have a hexfield representation of the country. Here you can build buildings and recruit units. You have a fixed amount of productivity you can use each turn in each country.
For recruiting, you need specific buildings for each unit type. When you recruit a unit, the corresponding building will be busy until the next turn. So you have to have more than one building of a type to recruit a certain kind of unit more than once in a turn.In the manage section you can also recruit spies. They will defend your country against enemy espionage attacks and can be sent to other countries to spy on them.The last option in the manage menu is research. You can set an amount of scientists to contribute to the nation’s research progress. This will lock an amount of productivity equal to the number of assigned scientists. **Buildings**
* Airfield: enables the recruitment of planes
* Boot Camp: enabled the recruitment of troopers
* Factory: enables the recruitment of Jeeps and Tanks
* Power Plant: increases the productivity of your country
* School: automatically creates science contribution
* Trooper: cheap, but slow and weak
* Jeep: fast, but vulnerable
* Tank: slow, but has a high attack range, many hitpoints and loads of firepower
* Jet: very fast, powerful attacks
### Attack
When attacking, you can choose which units from which country you want to use as your attacking force.Before the actual combat, you can set up your units on the hex field map. They can only be placed on fields near the border of your attacking country.The combat map itself can be scrolled by moving the mouse towards the edges of the screen. You can zoom with the mousewheel.On your turn, your can select your units with a click and the select a target with another click. A unit must have at least one movement point left to attack an enemy unit.
Different terrain types have various effects on your troops. **Terrain**
* Mountains: cost double movement to move into. Slow units, like tanks and troopers will lose their next turn, when moving into mountain terrain.
* Water: units are automatically loaded onto to ships. Ships have the same damage and attack reach as the loaded unit, but only a speed of 1 and 1 hit point.
* Desert: units take 1 damage for each hex of desert they move into.
* Snow: a unit has a 50% chance to be frozen and lose the rest of the turn, when moving into snow.
* Forest: units in a forest hex are hidden from the enemy until they move.
* Plains: normal movement.
### Research
In the research menu on the world map screen you can choose the next research goal for your nation. Each country, that contributes scientists, will add to the science effort, as well as schools in your countries. Once developed, every unit is automatically upgraded with the new technology.
War of Nations was developed by Chris Entropy, Released in 2013-11-30
War of Nations was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux,iOS,iPad
War of Nations is a Single & Multiplayer game