## Description
_Wajas_ is a pet site and breeding simulator in which players raise the
eponymous dog-like fantasy creatures. Wajas come in a variety of breeds, and
can display a wide array of markings and mutations in any color. Any two Wajas
of the opposite sex can breed, and the offsprings’ appearance is determined
based on the parents’ colors, the strength of their markings, and what
mutations they display. A Waja can be further customized by wearable items and
backgrounds, and special items that can add a single marking or mutation at a
The main ways of obtaining Wajas are to purchase them from other players and
to breed ones the player already owns. However, by spending real money on the
site, players may purchase Crazy Waja Points, or CWP, which they can then
spend towards special items that allow them to design a custom Waja. The
breeds available and the extent of the customization that is allowed depends
on how much CWP is spent. CWP can also be used to buy rare items or account
upgrades, and can be traded between players.
Waja Credits, or WC, are the basic in-game currency. WC can be earned by
playing minigames, selling Wajas and items, and through site events. In turn,
it can be used to purchase items and Wajas. Items on the site include the
aforementioned ones that can alter a Waja’s appearance, as well as pears that
can provide other alterations to a Waja’s genome. Through pears, players can
influence how many pups a bred female will bear, the gender ratio of the
Waja’s offspring, and how likely it will be for the offspring to inherit