Voxfield will you let enter a cube-composed only world. In this world, you will be able to fly between planets in a space boat (seriously?). On theses uncharted lands you will have to mine and harvest your way to the precious resources that will greatly enhanced your avatar. These skills will be proved handy when you will encounter the local wildlife. If you prefer you can also use these resources to build, fortify, enhance any kind of creations. But sometimes you may want to destroy the landscape around you, and by attacking the core of the planet, it will collapse. However don’t think the living things on the planet will let you do that freely.
The online part of the game has the same features but the possibility to play with other peoples. You will enjoy build gigantic monuments with your friends or explore a cave together. You will then defy the fiercest monster together or the fiercest player by a duel.
## Cubic sandbox universe:
Voxfield is entirely made of cubes, even the planets are cubic.
Be ready to defy the gravity changes when exploring the planets and find new ways to take advantage of them.
Who can seriously think that building a stair between two planets is not cool !
We will provide a server for people to host their private or public persistent worlds.
## Spaceboats dodge fighting:
After building your own space boats, you will be able to rise it to the sky and sail it in this infinite universe.
But beware of other players as fighting will inexorably damage your ship.
Aiming at key blocks such as engine or control center is a sound strategy, leading to unwanted otherworldly encounter.
## Creation:
We will be releasing the game with a in-game editor to edit and create new models and animation.
Adding a turtle-cow pet will never be that easy !
## Modding:
Voxfield is made to be modded, each server can have different rules or assets.
The player will automatically download them all without interfering with the original game.
This system bears resemblance to map modding of Counter-Strike for example.
The modding is entirely done in Lua, our engine exposing the required function to create an entirely new game.
## System requirements:
**Minimum** : Quadcore 2.4 ghz, 4Gb of RAM, 2Gb of free space, Nvidia 8800 GT or equivalent.
**Recommended** : Intel i7, 6 Gb of RAM, 2Gb of free space, Nvidia GTX 460.
The better the configuration the further you will see.
Voxfield was developed by Vox Nihilo
Voxfield was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Voxfield is a Single & Multiplayer game