Volcano Hunter
The player controls the movements of one “Hunting Harry”, the sole denizen of
a volcano-side village overcome by ghostly Druts, deadly floating apparitions
that can only be thwarted by sheltering inside buildings and only dispersed
through the application of bombs with timed fuses, of which Harry fortunately
has an unlimited supply. (Too bad there are also an infinite amount of
enemies!) Most of what Harry hunts is fuel tanks, which the Druts have stolen
from the village to further their gold-mining activities, and his primary
objective is to collect them and return them to the village… though he also
scores points for gathering whatever gold he finds (ditto for the new “Beamer”
bonus), destroying Druts and simply exploring up and down the ladders of this
over-200-screen complex.
In addition to the Druts who pursue to the edge of the screen and kill on
contact, Harry is somewhat fragile and loses a man through the smallest tumble
off a ledge or through a gap in a platform; also venturing underwater or
hanging out near a lava flow for too long will both result in the loss of a