## Description
_Virus LQP-79_ is a multi-directional shooter where you play as Amy, who is
trying to escape her home town which has been infested by zombies. In the game
you are placed into a small level and must find two survivors before the level
exit opens up and you can move on to the next level. To do this you have to
fight off all the zombies that get in your way. These zombies can drop coins,
which give you points, and hearts, which replenish your health. Once you have
found the two survivors and the exit opens, a timer starts counting down. If
this timer reaches zero before you exit the level, your health starts to
slowly drain. If you exit the level before the timer reaches zero, the
remaining time is added to your score. There are 64 levels total.
The player character’s movement is controlled with the directional pad, and
you can shoot your gun with both of the action buttons. Holding down the
action button will allow you to shoot at a faster rate, however if you hold it
down for too long your gun will jam and you have to wait a few seconds before
you can shoot again. Shooting by holding down the right action button will
allow you to strafe using the directional pad.