## Description
Your Grandaddy has died and in his will he has left you 16 goldmines still
full of gold to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. Problem is before he
died he made sure it was also full of traps and creatures due to the lack of
you visiting him over the years. So off you go to risk life and limb to become
a rich man.
_Varmit_ is a flick-screen platform game where you must explore each mine one
at a time to collect ten bits of gold to clear the mine. Each mine is made up
of three levels with ladders connecting certain levels, so you have to go back
to previous screens to get the gold. There are also bonus items to collect for
extra points. There are many hazards like bats, carts and falling rocks, and
if any touch you then it’s back to the entrance of the mine with the loss of
one of your four lives. You keep everything collected though.
Later levels have walls blocking routes and even fake gold. You need to
collect the gold as quick as possible as a river flows underneath the mine and
after a short time it slowly rises flooding the mine. A joystick or keyboard
can be used to control your miner.