Vanellope Sweet Adventures was developed by Ofihombre Studios, Released in 2016-03-31
Vanellope Sweet Adventures was Released on Windows
Vanellope Sweet Adventures is a Single Player game
ESP: Vanellope Sweet Adventures es el juego spin-off de Rompe-Ralph (Pelicula). Un juego en donde Vanellope Von Schweetz se da por una aventura peligrosamente dulce y digitalizada para salvar a Rompe-Ralph (Y tambien a Pac-Man, Sonic y Mario) del plan de venganza de Turbo.
Eng: Vanellope Sweet Adventures is the game spin-off of Wreck-It Ralph (Movie). A game where Vanellope Von Schweetz is given by a dangerously sweet and digitized adventure to save Wreck-It Ralph (And also Pac-Man, Sonic and Mario) from the Turbo’s plan revenge.
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