****The Story of Eden**** According to local legend Motorland City was evacuated 40 years ago after a major chemical spill leaked into the city’s drinking water. Most of the residents fled the city, except for a few stragglers that refused to leave. Less than 20% of the population remains. Now, after years of political corruption and corporate greed the city continues to decay and remains a shadow of its former glory.For my next video I will give you an inside look at what years of neglect will do to an entire city. It’s going to be dangerous and adventurous. We’ll unlock the mystery and discover the secrets of the city. We’ll probably meet some interesting people along the way, perhaps even have a few run-ins with local law enforcement.My name is Eden, I am an urban explorer. ** **About the Game**** Urban Explorer is a game that is inspired by real life dilapidated locations like Detroit. The game is of the first person perspective adventure and exploration genre. You play the role of Eden, a young girl who sets out on adventure to explore abandoned, but not forgotten locations all over the world. She documents her exploration through viral internet videos for her thousands of subscribers.This is a modern style first person adventure game with emphasis on exploration. The player navigates the city by going from one location to the next. Players will come across puzzles that will need to be solved to advance in the game. Players will also meet people in which they will need to interact with and make tough choices that will change how the game progresses. This is not a horror or survival game, however urban exploration can be moody and at times intense when exploring the unknown. It’s a dangerous, yet thrilling experience for most who experience it in the real world. This is a game that brings out the former beauty of a derelict city by putting the player in compromising situations and gives the everyday gamer a chance to become an urban explorer. ** **Key features****
* Explore a vast and beautifully dilapidated city.
* Find clues to its history.
* Discover inventory items that can be used and combined to help you on your journey.
* Puzzle solving.
* An engaging story that changes based on your decisions.
* Make important choices that will alter the story and game-play.
* Characters will react differently to you depending on the choices you make.
* Full voice acting.
* AAA quality textures and models.
* Original game soundtrack.
****Urban Exploration or Urbex by Definition**** **Urban exploration** (often shortened as **urbex** or **UE** ) is the exploration of man-made structures, usually abandoned ruins or not usually seen components of the man-made environment. Photography and historical interest/documentation are heavily featured in the hobby and, although it may sometimes involve trespassing onto private property, this is not always the case and is of innocent intention. Urban exploration is also commonly referred to as infiltration , although some people consider infiltration to be more closely associated with the exploration of active or inhabited sites. It may also be referred to as **draining** (when exploring drains), **urban spelunking** , **urban rock climbing** , **urban caving** , or **building hacking**.
Urban Explorer Motorland City was developed by mayhem4masses
Urban Explorer Motorland City was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Urban Explorer Motorland City is a Single Player game