UPVERSIVE was developed by samsam
UPVERSIVE was Released on Windows,Linux,iOS
UPVERSIVE is a Single Player game
After the Templars Purge by the Pope, the Banking System collapsed.
People lost everything and cities have fallen into a spiral of madness,
pillaging and violence. As an omen of doom, the dark plague followed
and the survivors scattered. No one trusted no one anyone. In the mist
of desperation, tales about a safe place emerged, a small island hidden,
far away from the brutality of man.
I’m one of the ones that arrived, only to discover that the same brutality
was already waiting for me, but this time, in a much more insidious way…
Welcome to the Dark Ages
\- **a First Person Stealth Tale**
Discover the hidden plot using your stealth skills,
Hear conversations, Follow characters, Find books
that help your character understand the NPCs motivations
\- **Immersive and Reactive Stealth Gameplay**
Human Scaled Stealth, since encounters with
enemies arent punishment free, think before
you act, since the other side is doing the same.
Use the proper equipment in your inventory to
have the upper hand on your opponnents,
Hide in the shadows to ambush them,
or bribe them, since corruption is heavier
than virtue.
\- **Night and Day Cycle**
A dinamic Light enviroment allows for the
time flow to be essencial to the thinking skills
of the gameplay
\- **Interactive Scenario**
What the player can do, soo does theyr enemies
\- **Dynamic Enemies**
Each NPC has its own unique personality soo
evaluating theyr behaviour is key to survival
\- **Quest Companions**
Since corruption is everywhere, who can you trust
\- **Npc Traders**
Your Stolen Loot is better to be used to upgrade your equipment
Game Design, Concept Gameplay, Voice over, Level Designer, Art Drawings = Paulo Samoes
Programming = Pere – albert Oyinmiebi
Animation = Robin Butler, Olubukola Laditan, Mariusz Maciąg