## Need a little more info on it? Well, here’s some details so you can get a better picture:
### Game Modes
There will be three game modes: Sandbox, Oldschool, and Infected Wave.
**Sandbox** :
As the name implies, you will have the most freedom in this game mode. Both teams start with a base defended by 3 turrets nearby. The Infected’s Brood Pit will be in the middle of the map. Players will have plenty of space to call in turrets to wherever they want when they’ve accumulated enough cash. As of now, each player can only handle 2 turrets at a time. This may diminish to 1 depending on balance issues.
**Oldschool** :
In this game mode, turret locations are predetermined. You still start out with just a base defended by 3 turrets, but there are specific build spots you must abide by. This mode will have multiple maps of varying types. So will have a standard tug-of-war feel, but others will have a mobile tower spots on tracks. You can build on ANY predetermined location, even on your enemy’s side of the map. Feel free to destroy their turrets and replace them with your own.
**Infected Wave** :
This is a big change of pace from the other two game modes. Instead of fighting against another team, you’re all grouped together in an encampment. You have turrets surrounding you, but don’t rely on them too heavily… Hordes of infected are going to be coming at you, stronger every time. You must work together as a team to protect your turrets and keep infected out of your base. As you gain cash, you must choose between buying new loadouts and placing new turrets up. Good luck, bounty hunter. You’ll freakin’ need it.
### Turrets:
turrets and nests will automatically attack anything within its radius that is not their team. turrets will primarily focus Infected, but will switch focus to any enemy that attacks its team members within that radius. turrets will have minimal health regeneration.
Tower Building**
Maps will have a maximum number of turrets per team, as well as a set number of “turret slots” (number of turrets that can be ready and build at once) in the Turret Bank (TB). Upon game start, the TB has the turret slots filled. Any player may pick up a ready turret from their teams TB, but players loose the ability to fire weapons while carrying them. It is highly suggested you bring a body guard to accompany the turret holder. Upon finding a suitable location, the holder holds down the fire button to begin setting up the turret. This length of this process will vary depending on the players “Mechanical” attribute from their loadout. As well, player can also hold the “use” button on a turret to start “breaking down” their turret. As with the setting up, breaking down will very in length depending on your “Mechanical” attribute. Once broken down, a turret is again carried by a player to move it. This is especially handy when you have the maximum number of turrets placed already and you would like to reinforce the ranks. Back at the TB, as soon as a turret is taken, the TB will begin making a new turret if the maximum number of turrets are not in gameplay (that means placed, in transit, ready in the bank, or currently being constructed).
**Tower Upgrades**
A tower can have 1 upgrade at any time. If there is an existing upgrade, the new upgrade will replace it.
The upgrades are:
*** Shield** : A shield surrounds the turrets absorbing 20% of all incoming damage. ($3000)
*** Ooze** : The radius of the turret is covered in ooze, slowing ALL players and infected by 20% ($3000)
*** Satellite Targeting** : The radius of the turret is increased by 15%. ($3000)
*** Ion Cannon** : turret deals 10% more damage per hit, and increases attack speed by 10%.($3000)
### The Infected:
Infected spawn from a breeding pit or nest. Queens cannot spawn from nests. The breeding pit is at a predetermined central location in the map. From this pit spawns waves of randomized Infected, all proceeding in packs to the 6 nearest turrets, regardless of who controls them
There will be 5 types of infected:
1\. **Pachyderm** \- Tank-ish beasts that are slower than others, but can take a beating and dish it out. Special skill is a melee stun that lasts for 4 seconds.
2\. **Jackal** \- Fast assassin Infected that can outrun players. Special Skill: Moves 20% faster near a player with half or less health
3\. **Wind Spitter** \- Flying infected that spits out blobs of acidic bile that damages enemies and turrets. Special Skill: Enemies are attracted to players and turrets with bile on them.
4\. **Stryders** \- 8 legged infected that leave a sticky residue at they move. Special Skill: players with residue move 20% slower.
5\. **Queen** \- With a .1% chance to spawn with a regular pack of Infected, a Queen has a large amount of health, damage, and attack speed. Players cannot kill a Queen 1v1. Special Skill: Queens can make a nest, which will spawn a wave of Infected and act as a turret for them.
### Cash
Cash is earned from from collecting bounties. Players get $100 per Infected kill, $300 per player kill, $450 per Turret and nest destroyed, and a whopping $700 for a Queen. The player holds the bounties until he returns within range of a friendly turret. The bounties cash in and the player gets paid. If one player kills another player who is holding bounties, the bounties transfer from the dead player to the killer. What is cash good for? Upgrade your existing turrets. Or, buy one of a huge assortment of weapon loadouts and blow your enemy to hell.
Unnatural Bounty was developed by Cache Money Games
Unnatural Bounty was Released on Windows
Unnatural Bounty is a Multiplayer game
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