Game Analysis | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is an action-adventure platform video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3.Uncharted 2 is an action-adventure platform video game played from a third-person perspective, with the player in control of Nathan Drake. Drake is physically adept and is able to jump, climb, and scale narrow ledges and wall-faces to get between points. Drake can be equipped with up to two firearms – one single-handed and one two-handed – and a limited supply of grenades. Drake can pick up weapons, automatically replacing the existing weapon he was using, and additional ammunition from killed enemies. The player can direct Drake to take cover behind corners or low walls using either aimed or blind-fire to kill his enemies. The player can also have Drake fire while moving. If Drake is undetected by his enemies, the player can attempt to use stealth to take them out, such as by sneaking up behind them to knock them out with one | |
Optimization Score | 10 |
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Amazing gameplay
not much
An awesome sequel, crazier action involved, not a fan of storyline and plot, but the gameplay is just too good.
Creative puzzles
Truly one of the best Uncharted games. This game has many unforgettable chapters which I wanted to play again right after finishing them. The developers ironed out some mistakes made in the first installment, and added what was missing: the result is a great gaming experience.
Uncharted 2 is a great action game, a fair shooter, a mediocre adventure game, and an awful platformer. Weapons feel “weightless” and unsatisfactory which is sad considering Goldeneye (1997) and Doom 2 (1994) taught the world how to create an AK-47 and a shotgun in a videogame. Exploration is totally absent due to the excessively linear scenarios that even take away from the player the classic left-or-right-path choice. Puzzles are just laughable, take a look at your notepad when prompted and if you can discern forms and colours you will overcome them.
The jumping and climbing feels rigged in your favour, verging on semi-automatic mode. Probably the price to pay for Drake’s agile movement, brought to you by the marvellous Naughty Dog’s Animation Department, that turns Uncharted 2 action and platforming sequences into truly playable stunt scenes, unlike other games which would simply take control away from you and play a cutscene because “what you’re about to see is too awesome for us to let you do it”.
Artistically and graphically the game is mind-blowing. Be it long forgotten ruins, a war-ravaged town or a tibetan monastery built upon a precipitous mountain chain, the visual spectacle is guaranteed.
The story is adequate and better told, thanks to a cast of great voice actors and sharp dialogue lines that make characters credible and suit the mood that one expects of an adventure film. Uncharted 2 is the best Indiana Jones action videogame ever (notice the word “action”, Fate of Atlantis excluded). They even managed to include some Nazi reference incidentally.
The game is far from perfect. It lacks on the playability department, but it compensates it with spectacular action sequences, outstanding visuals and a set of characters you do care about.
Brilliant Story
Amazing Writing
Never Boring
Very Funny at times
Uncharted 2 is my favorite game of all time. It was made by Naughty Dog and came out in 2009. The story is superb. It follows an indiana jones like charcter ‘Nathan Drake’ who is trying to find a the cintimani stone. The game has a truck load of characters that are all either funny, evil, annoying and just plain fun. The game has brilliant dialogue in it and the voice acting is perfect. The multi-player aspect to the game is also very enjoyable. Normally for a game so story driven the multiplayer sucks. But this one doesn’t, it was pleasantly addictive and enjoyable. The graphics are some of the best graphics last generation.
Conclusion: The game is addictive, amazingly written, enjoyable and can be played over and over until you have played it for absolutely hours. Thank you Naughty Dog.