This is a story-based adventure game set in cyberspace. You control the main character Kai, a samurai cat, as he explores the cyberspace. Enjoy a unique world that combines Japanese art style and cyberpunk.
## About This Game
The Japanese cyberpunk virtual world “UKIYO” is bustling with avatars today.
However, there is a small anomaly; all the friends in the game have become
residents of the game world. In order to return to the real world, Kai, a
samurai cat, travels through the virtual space with his friends.
This game is a story-driven adventure game. Use the game controller to control
the main character, Kai, and go through the story. Talk to people in town and
inspect various items to solve the mystery.
* Unique characters in the form of animals
* Beautiful background art
* Unique theme of Japanese-style cyberpunk
- Tiger Soldier Ⅰ MP081
- Tiger Soldier Ⅰ MP082
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- Tiger Soldier Ⅰ MP095