## Description
_Uch ū Senkan Yamato 2199 Battle Field Infinity_ is a turn-based strategy
game set in the universe of the _Uch ū Senkan Yamato 2199_ anime series, the
remake of the classic space opera.
The player takes control of either the Terran or Gamilas fleet in a series of
battles. Only one ship can move each turn, and they all have different
movement ranges, abilities and attack modes. When attacking an enemy ship, the
player has to manually aim and shoot by touching the screen. Defeating an
enemy unit grants a free turn allowing the player to perform another action
with the same ship. The goal is usually to destroy all enemies on the
battlefield while losing as few ships as possible.
Victory is rewarded with experience points and resources to build new ships
and weapons. The game is free-to-play, which in this case means it is possible
to spend real money to buy special resources necessary to build ‘rare’ units.
Some randomness is involved when buying a ship: for instance you know you are
buying a fighter, not which fighter model it will be or who will be its pilot.