**Logbook of Emmet Black, Great Explorer**
**Day 12.** We are running out of water, I’m thirsty. For more than 3 days we have been lost in the desert.
Note for next time : Dromedaries also feed themselves with maps.
**Day 15.** The map has still not re-emerged…
Sergeant Cookie, my monkey, strangely looks more and more like a burger. I’m starving.
**Day 18 .** I couldn’t believe it anymore. It’s standing majestically in front of us : the Legendary Pyramid.
**Day 19.** It’s high, we are at the middle of the way. Fortunately for me, sergent cookie is carrying me.
**Day 20.** We’ve finally reached a way at the bottom. I can’t wait going down into the caves to discover the treasures hidden inside. ****
With this puzzle / skill game, explore exotic places. Brace yourselves to foil the many traps protecting these coveted treasures.
Fortunately for him, our adventurer Emmet Black will be helped by his faithful companion, Sergeant Cookie, and his fetish rope.
Twist n’ Catch was developed by Okugi Studio, Released in 2011-11-27
Twist n’ Catch was Released on iOS,iPad,Android
Twist n’ Catch is a Single Player game