From the day you are born, society tells you what to think, what to believe, what to do… Society makes us who we are but all this is just meaningless! It doesn’t matter, who you really are – a schoolboy, an asylum patient, or a private detective.
It makes no difference at all who you are when you are insane.
Tulpa: Imagination Games is a visual novel about grim Russian guy with quite unusual name Ichiro. He’s got a very hard, miserable life, and it becomes more and more difficult to burden it in solitude in course of time. The real world has rejected him, and that’s the primary reason that leads him to attempt of creating his own reality.
In Tibetan Buddhism tulpa is a materialized thoughtform, in modern psychiatry – a psychological disorder, manifesting as a controlled hallucination. In a more simplified way, a Tulpa is an autonomous hallucination, created by a constantly repeated thought and a subconscious belief.
You might want to know what exactly it means.
A Tulpa is completely independent. It means that it may make decisions of its own, have its own opinions, and cannot be fully controlled by you, neither does it need to be forced to act. Your tulpa may have any opinion of you, its surroundings, and any other external stimulus it experiences. It does what it wishes to do, and may not necessarily be on your side.
Tulpa: Imagination Games was developed by MIDERY
Tulpa: Imagination Games was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Tulpa: Imagination Games is a Single Player game