## Description
_TryFail_ is a philosophical art-game. At game start, an introduction screens
states that there are 5 ways to survive and one way to die, and the player,
represented by a baby avatar, then finds himself in a 2d top-down maze where
it’s possible to move around and dig away gravel from some of the corridors,
clearing them from passage. The game has no clear goal, but as one continues
to dig, which is the only action really available, the player avatar changes
to the shape of an adult and, later, to that of an old man. In a normal
session with the game it is possible to dig away an arbitrary number of tiles
of gravel before the player dies. Upon death, one of a few different sound
events are triggered, seemingly at random, so one either hears a sound clip of
babies laughing, of a cash register, a spoken prayer or a piece of classical
music. After that, a text screen informs the player whether he has died or
survived. The game then continues to the next level, with a different level
layout but similar gameplay. There are three of these levels.