Tropa de Elite Multiplayer developed by ED Software, based on the film Elite Squad international success. After the success of the beta game back with a new map and several enhancements, the game is available for download on the official site. ED Software 2012.
TDE MP to play you must have a unique activation key for the game installed.
TDE MP has a security system that checks the servers if there are duplicate keys, if so the key is sent to a blacklist and is canceled automatically by the system preventing the user from creating a new room or get into some longer active.
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DOWNLOAD TDEMP V1.3 release 12/07/2012
Tropa de Elite Multiplayer (Elite Squad MP) was developed by EDSoftware, Released in 2012-07
Tropa de Elite Multiplayer (Elite Squad MP) was Released on Windows
Tropa de Elite Multiplayer (Elite Squad MP) is a Multiplayer game