## Description
_Trompers_ is a fixed-screen arcade game, where the player must recover
bouncing aliens as they fall from a passing spaceship.
The player controls a man wielding a large net, who runs and jumps along the
bottom of the screen. Alien spaceships scroll from the left side of the
screen, and as they cross, an alien will randomly fall out. The player must
try to position their net underneath the falling alien, or on a subsequent
bounce. If the player is struck by an alien, they lose a life. On higher
difficulty levels, there are holes in the floor, which the player will lose a
life if they fall through.
The game has 5 levels of difficulty. At higher levels, the spaceship moves
faster, aliens bounce faster, and there are gaps in the floor which the player
can fall through. The player gains a point per level of difficulty for alien
captured. The player starts with five lives, and if all are lost, it’s game
over. The player regularly gains a new life every 5 aliens collected.