Trance-Pacific tells the story of Vince, a stage hypnotist, who, together
with his friends Eve (a magician) and Nick (her assistant), is on vacation on
a cruise liner. Not long after arriving they are invited to the captain’s
office, where they find themselves locked in. Now they must get out, and find
out what is happening on the ship.
The game is a point-and-click adventure game built with the Adventure Game
Studio and has a interface similar to games like King’s Quest and Leisure Suit
Larry. There are four different icons to interact with the game world. These
are the hand icon (to touch, manipulate, open or pick up objects), the
magnifying glass icon (to examine objects), speech bubble icon (to talk with
characters) and the shoe icon (for moving around). One can cycle through the
four icons by using the right mouse button.
Different in Trace-Pacific compared to other graphic adventures is the use of
a Memo, a gadget that allows Vince to extract and implant memories. To use the
Memo, Vince must first hypnotise the subject. The Memo can then be used to
make a person forget something, and copy memories from one person and transfer
it to another.