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Alongside with Toejam & Earl's creative and hilarious storyline, I still find the game's two-player cooperative mode with interchangeable split screen/single-screen graphics quite impressive and groundbreaking for its time. The controls are very intuitive and easy to understand. The soundtrack may not be everybody's taste, but it suits the game's atmosphere.
The only negative point is, that after a dozen of levels the game doesn't offer any real surprises anymore and gets a bit repetitive.
Toejam & Earl is definitely not a children’s game. There are simply too many satiric references on modern society and (primarily) late 1980s pop-culture which you simply can’t understand before reaching a certain level of education. Your deadliest enemies in this game for instance are swarms of killer bees, wacky dentists, invisible bogey-men, tomato-bombing chicken, nerds and – last but not least – ice-cream vans which in a late stage of the game keep tormenting you by appearing out of nowhere. Your usual weapons are items like running trainers, sling shots and spring shoes, or more absurd items like decoy balloons or a boom-box to distract the Earthlings. These items are scattered around every map in presents, whose content has to be revealed throughout the game, as not all the items are a blessing.
Conclusion: Although most times I myself have played this game as a single-player, it is helpful to keep in mind that Toejam & Earl actually is designed to be a “two-player game with a single-player option”. It is in fact a surprisingly challenging game and (especially for children) difficult to master. Due to its slow pace it can get quite frustrating and even boring when played alone. The best way to exploit the game’s full potential is to invite your best friend or asking a dear sibling to spend some time with you, while taking them on an early 90s adventure which is best described as ludicrous. So, spend some time in company and have fun!