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## Description
_Tir-nan- og: Descendants of Danaan_ is a role-playing game based on Irish
mythology, more specifically the story of Tir na nÓg (the land of eternal
youth) and the Tuatha De Danann (people of the goddess Dana). The main plot of
the game is only loosely based on actual Irish myths and involves the
fictional kingdom of Annafofo, the assault of demons, the abduction of the
princess, and a legendary hero who must rectify all that and restore peace in
the land.
Despite its Japanese origins, the game follows a Western template, focusing on
non-linear exploration rather than a character-driven plot. The game begins
with the player controlling a single pre-defined character, though some NPCs
will be able to join the party. All navigation in the game is done by moving
an arrow representing the party on the world map or through the dungeons,
which are viewed from a top-down perspective as well. Towns have no graphics
at all and all interaction there is menu-based. Turn-based combat takes place
on separate overhead screens and resembles that of Ultima games, allowing free
movement on the battle field.