In a universe terrorized by enemy ships, Earth has been invaded and taken over
by an alien race going by the name of the Squarm. In possession of the
interstellar spaceship Void-Runner 1, the player (an elite member of the
Temporal Brotherhood) must travel from sector to sector in space in search of
Time-Gates which will transport the player back in time. This is all in an
attempt to get closer to their goal of finding the enemy headquarters in the
distant past and destroying it.
Each particular period of time places the player in a sector of space,
depicted by a 6×3 radar grid in the bottom corner of the screen. The player
can warp between the different areas (which are usefully depicted ahead of
time as containing enemy ships and/or planets) in search of the elusive Time-
Gate which could be in any area. Fighting with enemy ships takes place in a 3D
view out the cockpit window, and damage sustained can be repaired by landing
on the various planets, although you may of course have to battle aliens to be
able to land.