## Description
_Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous_ , the sequel to Tile to Live (HD), is a single
screen avoidance game, with some elements that are similar to the pacifism
mode of Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2. The player controls a space ship,
shaped like a cursor, that needs to survive as long as possible and get a high
score, avoiding and getting rid of dots.
As in the first game red dots are removed by picking up power-ups as the ship
is not able to shoot. Examples are bombs, a bouncing meteor, a green shield
that absorbs the dots, an icy blast that sends frozen spikes in all
directions, and a pink power-up that lets the ship wield a double lightsaber
for a short time. The ship is not moved around by touch, but by tilting the
device. There are three options for holding the device. Levels also contains
other types of weapons, enemies with spikes and lasers that can only be
defeated by running through weak points, and bosses.
Each killed dot is worth ten points and by chaining tricks multipliers can be
activated. When the ship is dead, a prize wheel appears with the opportunity
to get additional points or a revive. When playing with the ‘Old School’
option, revives and bosses are disabled. Next to the Classic mode, there is
also the much harder Code Red mode as in the first game. There is a global
experience and challenges can be completed to level up and for instance unlock
new weapons.