A short and sweet Survival Horror story with terrifying environments, a dark-ambient soundtrack and creatures hiding behind every corner. This is both a 90’s classic PSX-style experience as well as a horrifying modern day adventure: The era and style of graphics is your choice. Good luck…
## About This Game
Have you ever had a dream that you just couldn’t wake up from? Enter an
atmospheric, dark, survival-horror dreamscape where evil hides behind every
corner. This rich, short story is full of monsters, scares, a dark-ambient
soundtrack and terrifying environments. Want to play it in classic 90’s
graphics? No problem! This is both a classic PSX-style retro survival horror
as well as a modern day horrifying adventure! YOU DECIDE. Try to stay alive…
* A First-Person Survival Horror Experience
* Your Choice of Modern or Classic 90’s PSX-Style Graphics
* Creepy Enemies That Follow Your Every Step
* Intense and Eerie Ambient Soundtrack
* Short and Sweet Story That Doesn’t Overstay It’s Welcome
## Mature Content Description
The developers describe the content like this:
Contains instances of fear and violence.