Third Party was developed by Night of the Undead – Productions, Released in 2016-11-06
Third Party was Released on Windows
Third Party is a Single Player game
If you ever wanted to rule a kingdom from behind the scene, this game is for you. Bribe your way to victory, raise some undead or do it oldschool by using some mercenaries to weaken a kingdom.
\- My very own saving system created for this game. You have one save slot, use it carefully
\- The entire game can be translated into other languages by the push of a button even ingame. Currently only **german and english** are present. My latin is a bit rusty
\- No game destroying decisions for your character: You chose the wrong starting skill? Well, it may be more difficult but not impossible. But you better be careful about choosing your talents ingame.
\- Living world, where the kingdoms fight, trade and fight again. Actually, they can even be friends. Every time you start you have a new beginning and the kingdoms might react totally different
\- Lots of stuff to do: Want to be a trader, building up the economy, a magician, raising the undead or a thief, creating your own band of misfits? Go nuts! And of course: Do everything at the same time .. but this may take some time to get to that point
\- Beautiful pixel art for the entire game
\- And whatever you do, the world will react to you: Too much magic in the air? The Church will take care of it. Too many bandits raiding the traders? That’s what the city watch is for. No wars happening? Just bribe your way to be the kings advisor and start to change things!