## Description
_Think All Publishing: Complete 4-CD Software Set_ is a series of software
packages that were mailed to customers every five weeks or so. Customers could
keep them, in which case they would be charged or they could return two CDs in
which case the two they kept would be free. The CDs in this set are:
* Fun With Games:
On this CD are the freeware games Frozen Bubble, Krystal Drop, Neverball, Ri-
li, Super Tux, Tux Racer, and Tux Paint.
* Fun With Computers:
This CD contains PySyCache, an educational tool that teaches young children
how to use a mouse.
* Fun With Math & Science:
This CD contains the freeware packages: Celestia: a space exploration
simulation, Stellarium: a planetarium package, and two freeware games Tux
Math, and Tux Math Scrabble.
* Fun With Learning:
This consists of two freeware packages, Childsplay and Gcompris. Both
collections of educational games for young children aged 2-10 years.