For those who have never heard of the original modification: Thievery for Unreal Tournament. Here is a quote from the official Thievery:UT website:
> Thievery is the name of the project that hopes to bring the award-winning gameplay and style of Thief: The Dark Project and Thief II: The Metal Age to an Unreal Tournament based multi-player and single-player format, that does justice to Looking Glass Software’s artistic vision for a Thief Multi-player game that was planned before they sadly closed due to financial problems.
While Thievery for Unreal Tournament (or TuT) has enjoyed great success over the eight years it has been in public existence, many of the fan base would like to see it remade on a more modern game platform.
After contacting Black Cat Games leader, Dalai. He has given us permission to remake and update the game. We have not been idle, we have contacted various Black Cat Games developers (both old and new) to gain permission to remake their work, use their content and bring a new version of Thievery to the gaming masses.
In the mean time however, great work has been undertaken by Immortius to add new features and fixes to the current Thievery for Unreal Tournament. So for those new players wishing to get a taste of Thievery, or for old players wanting to relive the days of old, head on over to the official forums and check out the Thievery Pro Mod.
Thievery 2 was developed by Thievery 2 Devs., Released in 2018-07-13
Thievery 2 was Released on Windows
Thievery 2 is a Multiplayer game