The Road to Gettysburg
The Road to Gettysburg is a corps level game simulating the week surrounding
the Battle of Gettysburg.
The game features 2 separate scenarios: June 28 – July 4, 1863: The
Confederate army is trying to live off the land while avoiding combat unless
an opportunity for a major victory presents itself. July 1 – July 3, 1863:
With the accidental meeting of Heth’s and Buford’s divisions outside
Gettysburg, battle is forced upon the Confederate army. Lee must strike
quickly and win the battle on the first day, or face a united Union army
larger than his own.
On a hexagonal field, each player receives only limited knowledge of his own
and his enemy’s troops. The player is only able to exert immediate control
over units within a 5-hex radius of the commanding unit. The player then
receives and sends regular dispatches relating the movements of his own troops
further afield, which are then interpreted by the individual corps’ commander.
The player received regular messages regarding enemy troop positions, but can
not see them unless within 5 hexes of the commanding unit.