In a time of turmoil and decay, a dark organization named INPLANT Industries and based in Harsh Town, casts its shadow over the world with it’s sinister agenda.
## About This Game
The Research Age is a dark sci-fi, episodic adventure game that combines an
exciting story with puzzles, exploration, platform sequences and fights
against evil plants and creatures.
The story start with Andrew is a technician at a company that sells and
repairs vending machines. His work day was coming to an end when he received a
service call from Harsh Town. He will have to work late in the evening again.
It looked like just another typical night, but it wasn’t.
Andrew discovers that INPLANT is involved in a research program dealing with
cross-breeding between men and plants. Moreover, someone has the intention of
reducing the entire human race into slavery using a beverage…
A whistleblower scientist saved all of the evidence onto a hard drive, which
is now lost. Andrew’s quest begins…