The Official Father Christmas
The game is set on Christmas Eve, with Santa (Father Christmas) rushing to
deliver presents to the entire world.
After the player enters his/her name (which is used later in the personal
letter to Santa), the first level takes the form of a flip-screen collecting
game with Santa at home gathering the scattered pieces of his sleigh. If he
collides with one of the elves running around, the item he is carrying is lost
and has to be found again.
The player chooses six presents they want (computer, doll, book, etc.), which
are listed on their letter to Santa. Santa then collects the presents as they
fall from the top of the screen.
Finally Santa can deliver the presents, riding his sleigh over several
horizontally-scrolling continents. The presents are dropped with parachutes
and should be delivered to the homes indicated by arrows. Clouds and
aeroplanes can knock them off course.