## Description
_The Mixed Game Bag 1_ is a collection of three games and programs that
Bowling: A game that allows you to play ten frames of Ten-Pin Bowling by
throwing the ball down a top view bowling lane at ten pins. When you throw the
ball you can move it up or down until it reaches two X’s on the sides, then
you have no control of the ball. Normal bowling scoring applies.
Robot Wars: A Mastermind game set in the year 3082 where political battles are
decided by robots fighting. To defeat your opponents robot you have to guess a
four digit number it is thinking. After your guess the robot will tell you how
many numbers are correct and in the correct sequence, and how many are correct
but in the wrong sequence. You have ten guesses to win the battle.
Bingo: A number generator program that calls out random numbers to aid in a
game of Bingo.