The Last Stand : Survival was developed by Takahiro1997
The Last Stand : Survival was Released on Windows
The Last Stand : Survival is a Single, Multiplayer & Co-Op game
The Last Stand : Survival is an multiplayer , openworld, survival-basic ,post- apocalyptic , First and Third Person , is elements of horror created using CryEngine Our role as a survivor of a fatal toxic gas half dead half. Can not leave this place has. By pointless But we are playing as a true survivor. To experience More from this game Can actually use in the real world. When this situation occurs, the GamePlays: Crafting System A preliminary for the survival of the property. Enabling them to build weapons of providing a performance like the rope can not be mixed with Betty fishing. The assembly is realistic and based on extensive human imagination. The reality of living in the circumstances. Buliding System The most important thing is to create a living human. To secure from the weather. You can create multiple Non-recognized according to the player. Realistic Status The realism of the game, so it will have to take a bong to tell about their own bodies as realistic as possibl