In a strange and mystical land, a young boy discovers a mysterious creature with which he forms a deep, unbreakable bond. The unlikely pair must rely on each other to journey through towering, treacherous ruins filled with unknown dangers. Experience the journey of a lifetime in this touching, emotional story of friendship and trust.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Core 2 or AMD equivalent | Intel Core I3+ or AMD equivalent recommended for HD 1080p playback |
RAM | 1 GB RAM | 2 GB RAM |
OS | Windows 7 | Windows 10 |
HDD Space | 200 MB available space | 500 MB available space |
Game Analysis | A decade in development and moving from PS3 to PS4, The Last Guardian is the tale of a young boy and gigantic hybrid creature known a Trico. Together they must work their through expansive environments, co-operating along the way. | |
Optimization Score | 10 |
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Core 2 or AMD equivalent | Intel Core I3+ or AMD equivalent recommended for HD 1080p playback |
RAM | 1 GB RAM | 2 GB RAM |
OS | Mac OSX 10.7 | Mac OSX 10.10+ |
HDD Space | 200 MB available space | 500 MB available space |
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Core 2 or AMD equivalent | Intel Core I3+ or AMD equivalent recommended for HD 1080p playback |
RAM | 1 GB RAM | 2 GB RAM |
OS | Linux Ubuntu 12.04 or later, SteamOS 2.20 or later | Linux Ubuntu 12.04 or later, SteamOS 2.20 or later |
HDD Space | 200 MB available space | 500 MB available space |
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E3 gameplay video
E3 2016 trailer
Psx 2016 trailer
I loved this game, i remember leaving work and run home to play it ahah, the atmosphere and mystery are incredible. The relation between the boy and the creature is touching and tense at the same time. The puzzle are challenging and the graphics breathtaking. The only real problem i had with this was with the controls which ruined entire sequences of the game. Making Trico dive was frustrating as well as other commands. to the point of rage quitting the game. A single but major and decisive flaw in the game, enough to render it from a round 10 to a 7.