There were three elements… The seasons, cycle of day and night, and time stream. And Gods gave them to three Custodians. The control of seasons for White, ability of changing day and night for Grey, the time streaming to Red. Every Custodian had their own population. All of them were like one, the most important element of life in the world. Everything can’t exist without them. There was a balance before the Grey Custodian decided to seize the balance and take control of all elements. The Red and White Custodian were forced to confront Grey. The war of three populations started… But the Red Custodian suddenly disappeared and his population turned into horrible creatures. The Red population suffered a crushing defeat. The opposition of White and Grey populations continues. There were three elements… And here the story of the last Custodian begins…
The Last Custodian Prologue was developed by MrAlexmc, Released in 2014-07-07
The Last Custodian Prologue was Released on Windows
The Last Custodian Prologue is a Single Player game