Heal and reload by inhaling defeated enemies in this precision, twin-stick shooter. Solve action-oriented puzzles and explore an adorably violent world, in a thoughtful story – told through shoebox dioramas.
## About This Game
## The Indestructible Moxy Boxy is a precision, twin-stick shooter where you
heal and reload by inhaling defeated enemies. Or avoid reloading all-together
by never missing an attack!
Each stage is a unique shoebox diorama, filled with action-oriented puzzles
and delightfully violent Boxy creatures to battle.
Each Boxy type is susceptible to exactly one kind of attack, out of four in
your arsenal, but actually landing an attack requires learning enemy patterns
and controlling enemy groups.
And that’s before encountering the dreaded… Zomboxies.
## Here’s the deal with Boxy World – it’s greatest resource is its people.
Every house, couch or deadly weapon is made from the corpses of dead Boxy’s.
Luckily every Boxy is exactly 10 x 10 in proportion – except for little Moxy
Boxy. Manufactured at only 8 x 8, she literally does not fit in.
Desperate to be accepted, Moxy proves herself as a powerhouse Green soldier,
taking on Blues, Reds and Purples with deadly precision.
Until one afternoon when she encounters a Yellow Boxy – long thought extinct –
and is ordered to destroy her on sight. Every Boxy is a potential resource,
after all.
The Indestructible Moxy Boxy is an examination of guilt, consequences and
atonement, told over five acts and 150 dioramas.