## Description
The Humble Voxatron Debut started as a one-game spin-off in the Humble Indie
Bundle series, featuring an alpha version of the game Voxatron and the option
to get all future updates including the final version for free. However during
the availability of the offer several other games (see below) were also added.
The offer was available for two weeks until Nov 14th, 2011, using a pay-what-
you-want model (starting with 1 Cent) and the possibility to split the payment
between the developers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play
charities and the Humble Bundle organizers.
Originally included in the compilation:
* Voxatron
Added during the bundle for customers who had already bought the game and new
buyers paying above the average:
* The Binding of Isaac
* Blocks That Matter
Added during the bundle for everyone:
* Gish
* Chocolate Castle
* Zen Puzzle Garden
* Jasper’s Journeys
All games were advertised as being DRM free and are available on Linux,
Macintosh and Windows. This compilation contained the first playable version
of Voxatron, additionally the Linux versions of The Binding of Isaac,
Chocolate Caste, Zen Puzzle Garden and Jasper’s Journeys had their debut in
this bundle.