Story: “The Forgotten Time” is a Mystery/Adventure/Puzzle game about the 23 years old student Tara Madlen who tells a man her story about how she woke up in a bunker and how she dicovered a long forgotten time. But the man is very sceptical so Tara has to do a lot of persuading. Enter the temples and discover The Forgotten Time together with Tara and solve challenging but innovative puzzles! For now we want to show you the prologue which contains the first temple. 3 Chapters and an epilogue will be published over time! Credits: Writing, Directing, Designing, Modelling: Ahmet Koctar Programming: Lukas Miller Sound: Benedikt Wiedemann Music: Kevin MacLeod Thanks to Manuel Arnold who first started this project with me. Many thanks to the Voice Actors: CreepyMissusPasta as Tara Madlen: Joel “Lets Read!” Hague as Cole: And thank you for your interest in this game. We hope you’ll enjoy it.
The Forgotten Time was developed by RisingLane, Released in 2016-05-04
The Forgotten Time was Released on Windows,Mac
The Forgotten Time is a Single Player game