## Description
In _The Earth Moves With the Moon_ the player controls Earth which is
accompanied by its moon. The goal of each level is simple: bring both Earth
and the moon into the target area at the same time. However, the moon – as
well as all other planets in the level – are affected by gravity. This means
the player needs to guide the moon’s movement by steering into the correct
direction and changing speed (either by changing the basic speed incrementally
or by applying half/double speed by pressing the associated buttons)
The difficulty is that Earth is fragile: every collision with the moon or
other planets detracts one from its base endurance. If it reaches zero, the
level has to be started over. Additional obstacles are black holes which
swallow planets – if either Earth or the moon is swallowed, the level is lost,
and white holes which repel matter and may throw new planets into the area.
When the game is paused, the movement direction of all planets is shown with
an arrow. Earth’s endurance and gravity strength can be changed in the