It is really difficult to describe the story of The Dreamers in few words, as it is difficult to describe it with infinite words. The idea behind the story of the dreamers is that everybody can experience it’s own story. I don’t plan to insert choices or fact that will influence the experience, instead, I want that the psychological background of the player can suggest what is going on in this crazy game.
The Dreamers is not a next gen game and it doesn’t use next gen graphics. I like to define the game as an avant-garde game, aiming to be the first of a long series of pieces of arts capable to explore this genre. The Dreamers main goal is to be a interactive videogame manifest for avant garde and explorative media.
Each character in The Dreamers has its own moral and reactions to events. This doesn’t mean Artificial Intelligence but traditional screenplay done with maniacal precision in any aspect of everyday life. To be simple and out of trend, the behaviour of characters doesn’t depend on player choices. You may ask if there are monsters in this game, well, there will be and believe me if I say that they are really scary. Fact is that monsters are not what one can expect.
In The Dreamers everything can happen, everywhere. Simply unpredicatable.
Nothing special to see here, if you are looking for amazing graphic you can give a look at The Witcher 3, The Last Of US or GTA5. If you are looking for an alternative gaming experience not based on stunning graphics, frenetic shooting and impressive sound design, then you are in the right place: The Dreamers doesn’t offer anything special outside of its emotional appeal. Yes, The Dreamers will have normal maps, bloom shader, global illumination, and physically based materials but they are just tools, not goals.
One man band is the answer. The Dreamers has different contributors with different culture that support me (Luca Deriu) with original ideas but I want to keep the project consistent managing graphics, programming, audio and marketing.
Economically speaking, this project can’t be real if there wouldn’t be thousand of investors like you. This is why the project requires your support as well as mine, we simply have different tasks.
The Dreamers was developed by PlaySys
The Dreamers was Released on Windows,XONE,WiiU
The Dreamers is a Single Player game