Based on the Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media film capturing the renown and beloved book series from author C.S. Lewis.
Players enter the world of Narnia, a land frozen in a 100 year winter by the evil powers of the malevolent and evil White Witch. In order to end this frigid captivity and free his people, the mighty lion Aslan, true ruler of Narnia, invokes an ancient prophecy. It will become the destiny of four young siblings from our world: Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie to work together and use their unique combat skills, weaponry and abilities to defeat the Witch and her armies to save Narnia. These four unlikely heroes must battle the evil forces of the White Witch by waging war against a vast variety of creatures, including Centaurs, Minotaurs, Minoboars, Cyclops, Werewolves, Wraiths, Ankleslicers, Wolves, Satyrs, Boggles and more.
Players enter the world of Narnia, a land frozen in a 100 year winter by the evil powers of the malevolent and evil White Witch. In order to end this frigid captivity and free his people, the mighty lion Aslan, true ruler of Narnia, invokes an ancient prophecy. It will become the destiny of four young siblings from our world: Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie to work together and use their unique combat skills, weaponry and abilities to defeat the Witch and her armies to save Narnia. These four unlikely heroes must battle the evil forces of the White Witch by waging war against a vast variety of creatures, including Centaurs, Minotaurs, Minoboars, Cyclops, Werewolves, Wraiths, Ankleslicers, Wolves, Satyrs, Boggles and more.
Things were going well, until Ronald pulled out two very tiny plums from his basket, one for Skinny and one for him. Not knowing about his deadly allergy to plums, Skinny didn’t think twice about eating it, and immediately went into anaphylactic shock which caused his sudden death. Ronald ran off, terrified.
When he woke up, Skinny discovered that he had become a skeleton and been sentenced to live in Ronald’s bedroom wardrobe forever. Since then, Skinny has watched over Ronald constantly, without his knowledge… but now things are going to change! To save his best friend’s soul from eternal damnation, Skinny will be forced to reveal himself and make Ronald admit his ‘crime’. Not a simple challenge at all!
A visually-rich 2D point & click adventure game which pays tribute to the pop culture through a myriad of references.
Inspired by the great ‘90s classics such as ‘Monkey Island’, ‘Day of the Tentacle’, ‘Tony Tough’ and ‘Sam & Max: Hit the Road’, the game has a strong sense of humour, but isn’t shy about dealing with mature and non-politically correct themes.
More thanpopulated with more thanand enriched by dozens of puzzles.
Four types of actions for each hotspot (Look, Pick up, Use, and Talk) and dialogues with multiple choices (and full of funny answers to try)!
Play as Skinny, a teen-skeleton with an impertinent attitude and a sparkling wit, willing to do anything to save his best friend’s soul from eternal damnation!
Dozens of clever puzzles and many inventory objects to collect!
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | 2 GHz Dual Core CPU | 2.6 GHz Dual Core CPU |
RAM | 2 GB RAM | 3 GB RAM |
OS | Windows 7 64-bit | Windows 7/8/10 64-bit |
Graphics Card | ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series, Geforce 9400 Series with at least 512 MB VRAM | ATI Radeon HD 4500 Series, Geforce 9400 GT or higher |
Direct X | Version 9.0c | Version 9.0c |
SOUND CARD | DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers | DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers |
HDD Space | 5 GB available space | 8 GB available space |