The Absolutely Hilarious Cat Game is exactly what you would expect it to be, the only thing is, things take a dark turn when you wake up in a place you shouldn’t be… Wrong place wrong time I suppose… Watch out, Felines are on the prowl in Ginger’s Peak. Get the job DONE, then GET OUT!
## About This Game
The Absolutely Hilarious Cat Game is a 3D, First-Person, Strategy, Survival
horror game that takes place in the middle of nowhere. Well, not nowhere, more
like Ginger’s Peak. Collect items to help you escape. But watch out, there are
ferocious felines on the hunt! The worst part is you seem to be their prey, so
use the things you see around you to your advantage…
## CATS!
They are on the hunt! More will appear the more keys you collect!
## KEYS!
Collect keys to unlock different areas and multiple Endings!
Use the items around you to your advantage to increase your chance of